I. Big-plan theodicy
a. What it is:
i. All suffering of innocent beings is part of a big plan and had to happen. The whole plan, however, is completely good.
b. Defeated:
i. If God is all powerful, he can devise a “big plan” which does not encompass evil.
II. Punishment theodicy
a. What it is:
i. When we see people suffer terribly, the reason for this is that they have sinned. Their suffering is a punishment for their sins.
b. Defeated:
i. This is explains why God would punish evil-doers. However, much of the suffering is undeserved. Take children, and those born into poverty, slavery, or otherwise: they still suffer tremendously. Also, this can be defeated with the argument of omnibenevolence: an all-loving god would not create suffering in the first place.
III. Suffering-builds-character theodicy
a. What it is:
i. The basic idea is that suffering of innocents will help them to become stronger. All evil offers us the possibility to learn from it and grow into a better human being. This theodicy is sometimes called the “soul-making theodicy”.
b. Defeated:
i. If God is all powerful he could have eliminated the need for evil by making us characterized to begin with.
IV. Contrast theodicy
a. What it is:
i. We need evil in the universe to know that there is good. If there were no evil and everything were good, we could not tell that it is good.
b. Defeated:
i. If God were omnibenevolent he would not have neglected to make the good that we are lacking in place of evil.
V. Devil theodicy
a. What it is:
i. Innocent suffer because the devil likes to let innocents suffer.
b. Defeated:
i. If God were omnipotent he could override the power of Satan. This also suggests that Satan exists outside of God, a whole new problem unto itself.
VI. Test theodicy
a. What it is:
i. Earthly life is just a test. God has thrown us into this world full of evil and pointless suffering in order to find out what kind of beings we are. Without the pointless suffering, his test is not complete. If we pass, we go to heaven. If we fail, we go to hell.
b. Defeated:
i. God cannot be omniscient under this premise, because then he would already know whether or not I’m going to fail and the test would be pointless in the first place.
Free will cap: If God is all knowing, you can’t have free will. Ka-ching!
"This is explains why God would punish evil-doers. However, much of the suffering is undeserved. Take children, and those born into poverty, slavery, or otherwise: they still suffer tremendously. Also, this can be defeated with the argument of omnibenevolence: an all-loving god would not create suffering in the first place."
Another point that is unrevelant and does not support much of her claims. God didn't create suffering in the first place. He made everything good. His creation was perfect in the first place. First place...the beginning.
"The basic idea is that suffering of innocents will help them to become stronger. All evil offers us the possibility to learn from it and grow into a better human being. This theodicy is sometimes called the “soul-making theodicy. If God is all powerful he could have eliminated the need for evil by making us characterized to begin with."
Actually, I disagreed with this theodicy, Suffering doesn't make innocents stronger, but makes Christians stronger...actually disciplines Christians. Like the Israelites that escaped from Egypt from all the suffering and hardworking. While going into battle, they defeated the people who opposed them. She said it again, to begin with. God made Adam the person He wanted him to be. A faithful servant of God. God lets innocent suffer because He wants them to realize that they are miserable and useless without Him. Let darkness surround that person and suffer more until that person truly realize he/she needs someone to help him/her.
"If God were omnibenevolent he would not have neglected to make the good that we are lacking in place of evil."
In the video, she said "first place" again. I was watching this point very carefully. God is omnibenevolent because He doesn't want to control us like a robot, He gives us "free-will" to do whatever we want. He gave Adam the command to not eat "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil". He gave Adam a choice to disobey God or to obey Him. Adam and Eve didn't know their conscience. They didn't know what was right or what was wrong. God simply told them to not eat that fruit. God said YOU ARE "FREE" to eat from any tree in the garden, but you MUST NOT eat from the...Adam and Eve only knew what "life" is. Life by the Spirit. *CAUTION* I guess that they only knew what the fruit of the Spirit is. Name them? Well, it is just LOVE. Don't test my God gal.
"If God were omnipotent he could override the power of Satan. This also suggests that Satan exists outside of God, a whole new problem unto itself."
God does love the innocents. It is just that human mankind, including the innocents, pushed God away and doesn't want Him to be in their lives. You can say God never left them in spirit, but "physically" pushed Him away out of their doors and shut them tight so that God can't come in. As God is outside of their spirit, Satan overrides them. God could override Satan, but Satan is already living inside of those innocents. As a loving God, He lets them choose how they want to live their lives...to either accept Him or not.
"God cannot be omniscient under this premise, because then he would already know whether or not I’m going to fail and the test would be pointless in the first place."
God does know how you live your life. God does know how you are going to live your life as a non-believer, or a believer. What part of your life are you living for? Adam and Eve were already put to the test to either choose the tree of life or the tree of knowledge. God is UNPREDICTABLE. We don't know how He works in our life. We don't know how He operates our livings. He knows every choice we make. He knows every step you take. He knows what happens if you either do this or do that. There is no time limit on His hand. He's waiting for you to receive Him so that you could start your new life with Him for He has a wonderful plan for you.
Jesus, our Lord, suffered greatly...massively...and we couldn't even understand how much suffering He went through.
Most importantly, please pray for those that are affected by her videos, pray for Laci.
If she doesn't believe, then why is she talking about it in almost every one of her videos?