Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Unknown


I noticed that people are starting to crawl into my blog!

From now on, I probably need to use proper English.

 I finished reading Matthew...again I think.

The fascinating thing about this book is that there are a lot of teachings from Jesus.

Going to a short off-topic moment...

My youth leader told me a phrase that he heard from someone, "Being a Christian is cool!"

He said to me, "It is not cool to see Jesus cruxified on the cross."

It is not cool to see someone die.

Back on topic and "Into the Unknown".

It was a theme from Winter Conference 2007...my first conference.

The interesting thing about this theme is that we don't know where we are going in the future.

We don't know what the future lies ahead.

We don't know what will happen if we take this large step of faith.

Generally, God is pretty much unpredictable, but He has everything planned for us in the future.

However, this topic is not related to our future, but when our Lord Jesus will come.

It is a larger QUESTION MARK than just our future.

When will Jesus come?

I was finishing off Matthew from Matthew 24.

Matthew 24 - 25 really gets me thinking about the unknown.

We see here in verse 1-35.

It talks about how the environment will slowly change.

Our environment is slowly getting worse and worse.

Global Warming get things worse.

Wars and Conflicts between continents, countries or cities...

The War right now in Afghanistan.

Economic Crises goes down and down...and maybe a tiny bit of up.

Not only does this passage talks about how our world will get worse, but I believe Zephaniah talks about the upcoming destructions.

Matthew 24:36-51 talks about the coming of Jesus.

I like how the first verse of this passage had stated...

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son (NOT EVEN JESUS), but only the Father."

It gets us curious and...mmmm cheese strings......

We don't know, nobody knows besides God, our Father in heaven.

However, Jesus did warn us to be prepared for His second coming.

Be faithful and wise, shall we move on?

Matthew 25:1-13

Half of the virgin women were prepared and half weren't.

If we are not prepared, then we are like those who are not prepared and cannot be invited in anymore.

We are waiting for The Unknown, but at the same time there are lots to do on earth.

"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few."


More info, I need to raise $100 only for the flight cost.

Almost there...almost there.

I guess the unknown for some other people is discovering who that person is that I've talking about.

For those of you that knows, DON"T YOU DARE!

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