Monday, September 18, 2006

How can people know if they are inl ove

Our human nature indicates to us that love is nothing more than an emotion. We make decisions based on our emotions, and even get married because we feel "in love." This is the reason that about half of all first marriages end in divorce. The Bible teaches us that true love is not an emotion that can come or go, but a decision. We are not just to love those who love us, but we should even love those who hate us, the same way that Christ loves the unlovable (Luke 6:35). "Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. Love does not demand its own way. Love is not irritable, and it keeps no record of when it has been wronged. It is never glad about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance" (1 Corinthians 13:4-7).

It can be very easy to fall in love with someone, but there are some questions to ask yourself before deciding if your "love radar" is leading you in the right direction. First, is this person a Christian, meaning have they given their life to Christ and trust in Him alone for salvation? Also, if one is considering giving their heart and emotions to one person, they should ask themselves if they are willing to put that person above all other people, and put the relationship, once married, second only to God? The Bible tells us that when two people get married, they become one flesh (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:5).

Another thing one should consider is if they are a good candidate for being a potential mate. Have they already put God first and foremost in their life? Are they able to give their time and energy into helping the relationship and perhaps marriage last a lifetime? Are they someone whom they would want to marry? There is no measuring stick to determine when we are in love with someone, but it is important to discern whether we are following our raw emotions, or following God's will for our lives.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Subject 2

Physics- man Mr.Stephenson is the best for physics class. watched a cartoon which applies with physics. he such a nerd but then hes a ok teacher.

Metal Work- yup i swtchi my PE class to other block. Alright another year with Mr.Kennally. such a small class with 8 ppl lol.

PE-dropped out annua. YES i have Mrs.May!!!!woot. man i dislike ms.james, soooo annoying and the annual class looks stupid, sooo many work to do.

Chemistry-Well Mr.Robert is a good teacher for Chem. His work are easy although i do make mistakes on the assignment.


Robotic-yup good class to fool around and especially skipping.

English- WOW ms.macdonald is the best english teacher soo far. gave out such a really really easy HW!!!! woot.

SS- hmmm work are annoying, but Ms.Todd is a great teacher.

Math- wow cant imagine that so far the work are pretty easy. hurray for Bryan and Pierre for making the class funny.


yup guess this is another update during my skool week. man life is kinda fair for me. see Eliza, life is not always unfair, some particular places will make ur life easier and better. and yeah

Monday, September 11, 2006


Physics- kinda weird but dunno lots of info on the class so need to wait for the next update

P.E- Wow lots of people dropped out McGilvary. Now the class got smaller!

Annual-Miss James is hyper though but i still have to do the magazine project for tomorrow :)

Chemistry- HW is easy i guess. Wow 5 classes with Shirley!!!! new record, o wait. I have 7 classes with tiffany during grade 9. o well. another Tommy is sitting beside me =.="

Law- was gay, dropped out that stupid class and went to Robotics^_^ woot same ppl during grade 10. class is fun though but teacher is slow.

English- Pray that miss macdonald would stay and teach for the year because SHE IS SOO EASY i hope. class got funnier when scott was there  and probably drew.

Social Studies- ummmm......kinda boring, almost fell asleep in class today. learning politcal cartoon and bias and stuffs. Man such a huge class 31 ppl.

Math- Teacher talks weird but i like her notes and review. Class was fun. Lol Bryan Wong, good to have him in my class^^. funny man.


hope the class stays like this for the year besides SS. and yeah

Monday, September 4, 2006

wish someone can play this part for me

 Fm  Eb  Db  Cm  Bbm Eb  Ab    Eb/G
|- - - -|- - - -|- - - -|- - - -|
Fm  Eb  Db  Cm  Bbm Cm  Dbmaj7
|- - - -|- - - -|- - - -|- - - -|

Sunday, September 3, 2006

nothing much

HahahahahaHAhahahaHAhahahahAHaha..........haaaaaaa.......alright no executive!!! no stressing lol woot!. well have fun with planning things Dom. And have fun youth executives^^. y did i put my name there in the first place? didnt even want to run for anything.