Monday, March 30, 2009


Recently, I am being peer pressured by my fellow brothers and sisters to go to the Year-End Banquet.

However, I have a commitment that I need to do at church: Awana.

Most of them don't know what Awana is.

This blog is to reveal how Awana helped me realize that we should cherish our younger generation by training them to serve the world.

Awana is not a made up name.

Awana actually stands for Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed which was taken out of 2 Timothy 2:15

"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman ho does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth."

So what does this verse mean?

We're not perfect and most of the time we compelled to not go out sharing.

I want to train the kids to become a witness for Christ(Approved Workman) who are not embarass of representing themselves as Christians (Are Not Ashamed).

The industry we are living in, kids are pretty much messed up.

They can't think properly and the world has blinded them.

Even Christians who step into high school WILL lose themselves.

I've seen it.

Some of my friends walk into high school have already lost it.

Some became Agnostic or Atheist, and some didn't care anymore.

Percentage wise, a big amount starts losing their "faith" when they step into high school.

A larger amount of Christians loses their "faith" when they step into University because they don't know what their purpose is, but are willing to seek. the reason why we have Awana.

Just a clarification, Awana is not the thing that can help the kids, but through the Holy Spirit.

God uses Awana to bring kids together so they could be discipled and learn scripture memories.

A kid from Awana Scholarship Camp named John-Luke...he's an amazing kid.

He probably reads the bible more than I do XD

A girl from my church can memorize tons a verses in one night of Awana.

Awana is not just about memorizing or discipling them, the members can also build team effort through Games Time.

Last year, God lead me Awana Scholarship Camp.

That camp are for Awana members who complete workbooks and memorize scriptures.

So most of the kids below are very bright the word of God.

This camp consist students from grade 5 - grade 12.

There are four young leaders, including me, and other leaders too

The past week, it seems God is focusing me on Awana.

Campers from Awana Scholarship Camp are asking me if I am coming back to camp this year.

I really do miss them and some of them are graduating from high school soon.

God is totally pulling me into Awana ministry.

I want to come to the banquet too and I am thinking of going.

Even though I paid $15, I still may not come.

The banquet is the church gathering service, where we give appreciation to the graduates and fellowship.

It's not about who's important or what's important.

We all got to understand this concept, and this may hurt.


I don't know where God is leading me this week.

I am a person who switches back and forth.

May God give me wisdom.

I really do pray that the Holy Spirit may speak and open the eyes to the reader that God is already working in Children's heart.





Friday, March 27, 2009

No Topic

What to say today...on this blog.

Anyone want to give me some ideas of what to type?

Ironically speaking, I am typing and saying something interesting.

HA, tricked you all!


And surely I am with you always, until the very end of the age

Recently, I never thought it would be possible for me to imagine.

Right now, I have raised a lot of support.

I am very blessed to have brothers and sisters who are willing to give for the glorification of God.

"It is better to give than to receive."

Prayer is very important at this stage if you are raising support.

Without prayer, you just can't do anything with you own strength.

Even after you've prayed, you will still need to rely on God.

If you ask what your need is, then you will receive.

God is so unpredictable in many circumstances.

If I don't continue praying, then I can't receive anything.

But every time I pray, I'll receive more support...isn't that amazing of how God works?

Jesus promised us that He'll always be there for us.

QUIZ TIME: Tell me which verse that Jesus promised us! Don't cheat! Use your Bible as a resource! No internet Biblegateway or any internet resource XP

Practically, I've already raised around 25%!

There is still a long way to go, but no matter how big or small the contribution is, the percentage will always increase.



You were on fire.

You were angry.

You struggled through the control of your anger.

You sometimes fall into temptation.

But now, you're renewed through Jesus.

Think about it, you were angry at everything.

Another word for calm is to be still.

There is a reason why the title for this part is called Calm.

Take a really deep thought this word calm.

It came from a translation.

This week, I have already made up my mind.

I am ready to spill.

Today, I was thinking about doing that, but God didn't spoke to me.

It's not the time yet.

I was thinking about doing so, but I would be ignorant if I made that attempt.

God's timing is always perfect.

That moment, God didn't spoke to me, so I didn't initiate it.

I'm not sure if this verse would apply to me right now.

Hebrew 4:7 "Therefore God again set a certain day, calling it Today, when a long time later he spoke through David, as was said before: 'Today , if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.' "

Let us be open to God's calling.


PS: By the way, who's reading this blog? Now, BE HONEST. Comment here or message me on fb or email.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


When we speak about life, we often talk about our living.

So how's life?

Oh, my life is good or bad.

In the dictionary, life speaks mostly about a living being.

Without life, we are a dead being.

Life can also be set as stages.

We could say the child life, teenage life, and adult life.

Life is a pretty obscure topic.

How does the world view life?

One of my classmate would say, "Just live life. Life is all about living."

Ok, maybe that can be true.

However, what is the quality of our living style?

How are we living out our life?

Some of us might lived out a good life, and some of us lived out a bad life...and some of us might be living in a life where there's no purpose.

Life can be unknown to so many people.

Why are we created?

Why are we living?

There has to be a very good reason for living.

Some people has this question in mind, and some don't.

People who DOES have this mind questions the world.

Those who doesn't think about it might not think about God because He doesn't exist in their view.

I'll speak about the different views of the non-existence of God on my future blog.

So what is life?

Are we living out a meaningless life?

We go to school, get educated, then find a job, raise a family, declare retirement, and then die.

Boom, is life that simple to live?

Actually, the stages are simple to list, but living up to it is difficult.

It's that simple, just live like that as our parents taught...*above the list*.

No need to think about other things besides that.

Ok, then WHY do we have to do this?
Why are we even doing this?

Until the end, what is the whole purpose of dying?

I'm already skipping ahead but here's a simple step of our purpose...

We go to school for the purpose of getting educated.

We get educated for the purpose of getting a job...and so forth.

For those are still questioning about life, maybe we could turn to Ecclesiastes and see what David has to say about life.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Discrete Mathematics

I finally suffer long enough...

This course is intense.

Trust me.

Even for me as a Math student, I still struggle with this course by a lot.

Calculus is fine with me, but this course has taken to the extreme.

Right now, I'm practically going to the border of failing...

If I do fail, then I'm out.

What should I do for next year...

Continuing Math?

I like Math, but I just hate MACM.

MACM = Math and Computer Science.

Ok, maybe there is some Math involve in it.

Math is something that is interesting to me.

I need to learn how to read and solve questions

Friday, March 20, 2009

Give Thanks

Praise Ye the Lord God Almighty!

Give thanks with a greatful heart.

Give thanks to the Lord for He is good.

He is good, all the time.

It's very true.

His love is so thick that we can't even understand.

He is very compassionate to my family and everyone.

I sense that God is stirring up the heat in this household that I'm living in.

Today, I was at UBC spamming support letters, but with passion.

I pray that everyone who received would pray considerably about it.

Anyhow, I was going home and my mom picked me up at Chevron at Oak and 41st.

While going back home, we were having a spiritual conversation.

What was interesting is, I didn't start that conversation.

She was very curious about what I shared at church the past Sundays.

She knows that I'm going to Waterloo, and she's very happy, for some reason, about me going.

This is what she said if I could recall, "It'll be a great experience for you. They do provide you a place to stay right?"

Onwards, we were having a deeper conversation about spirituality.

I'm going to expose this in public because I really want to share it.

My mom went to a Christian school when she was grade 1.

Well I knew about before, but she memorize the scriptures when she was little, yet she has completely forgotten about it.

I was like, "Did you read the whole Bible!?!?!?!?!?!?"

"No, I said I only memorized the verses in the Bible and read some of it."

By the time I knew your father, I stopped the Godly stuff and started worshipping idols because I had no choice since your father and his other crews are worshipping idols.

Well I don't think it's worshipping....MOURN yeah.

My mom had no choice because my father and his crew always go up to the mountain in China to mourn their relatives and ancestors.

Furthermore, she thought about switching to Fraser Lands Church.

I told her if she wants to then go ahead.

Yet there's something she doesn't like about that church.

She went to a Alpha course in the past, and she didn't like the way the leader or the Pastor would force people to stand up if they are a believer or non-believer. And she didn't like the way that Pastor would say, "If you believe in Jesus then just believe!"

I totally agree with her.

Knowing Jesus Christ personally and accepting Him is based on YOUR OWN decision.

Anyhow, later on she said, "I would seek God and read the Bible if I had time, but I'm just so busy that I don't even have time for God."

At first I thought she said she didn't have time to believe in God.

Then here I am, typing an awesome news about what God's been doing in my mom's life.
I finally understand what she needs, and that is flexibility.

She even told me why she brought me to church...well finally I knew my answer XP

"I brought you to church because I see that you've been lonely and sad. 

So I brought you to church so that God could heal you from those problems you were having, and especially to know God."

I was amaze and hit by her.

God is revealing himself over and over again.

I pray that God would help my mother to seek Him personally, instead of worrying about money because God will provide.

Please keep her in my prayer.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Who are you?

Mr. A randomly walks to a house and knocks on the door.

The door opens and Mr. B stares at Mr. A strangely.

"Hey buddy! May I come in?"

"Who are you? I don't even know you."

Mr. B slams the door and Mr. A can never ever go in.

Bob just met Bill and became close friends.

Bob was so busy that he didn't have time to socialize with Bill.

Bob worked hard, still hung out with his other friends beside Bill, and got a Ph.D in Mathematics...YAY.

Twelve years has passed ever since Bob and Bill had ever socialize.

By the time Bob wants to go visit Bill, he goes and knocks on Bill's house.

Bill's father looks at him strangely, and Bob said he knows Bill.

Bill stares at Bob strangely and said to him, "I never knew you. Away from me you prideful person."

I was watching one of Paul Washer's sermons.

He's a typical person and I like his personality.

His message was based on Matthew 7:15-23.

When I was still a youth, the time when I became a Christian, a friend of mine told me something very contraversial.

"Not all Christians will go to heaven..." and he said other related things that I don't remember.

I was wondering, "Really? Why not? Will I go to heaven?"

"I don't know, maybe."

I never get a chance to observe the Bible and focus on what he said.

I was pretty confident that I'll go to heaven because I received Christ as my personal Savior and Lord.

I practically forgot that part until recently another friend of mine told people about "not a lot of Christians will go to heaven."

I've been reading the Old Testament, and reading the New Testament, but not the Gospel - Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

I was burning with passion that I want to seek what God is telling me.

Until I encounter that verse: Matthew 7:15-23.

I was like, "Wow, did I actually overlook while reading?"

After listening to Paul Washer's VERY INTENSE but caring sermon, I was thinking about my brothers and sisters around me.

Most of all, I was thinking about the Chinese congregation at my are they living their lives as a Christian?

May I am just being very judgamental on them.

I know they go to Bible Study, and I know some of them go to a seminar when my last intern Pastor was still here.

Most of them are very passionate about God.

But let's not talk about others, but observe ourselves.

I asked myself a question before I slept yesterday, "Does Jesus know me?"

Before I end this blog, I'll post the link to the video whoever is interested.


Sunday, March 15, 2009

You can't do it yourself!

I have to confess that I am a failure when I do things in my own way.

I always need support from someone else.

When taking a course like MACM or Discrete Mathematics, I mostly rely on myself.

I'm not motivated enough to go up to my TA and ask questions.

Well, it turns out that I don't have questions in mind.

I was pretty confident with my answers on my mid-term besides some.

Yet it turns out I was kind of arrogant.

I did blank out during the mid-term about the definitions.

I don't know where this blogpost is going, but all I have to say is that, you can't rely on yourself while doing anything.

We all either need support or prayer, and most important of all, God.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hi Jilly Jill Jill! and Sacrifices

Recently, I realize that Jill has been reading my blogpost.

So I just want to say, "HI JILL! Hopefully you'll reply to this message =D "

Anyhow, back on topic.

Today, my mom has been having a lot of concern about me.

She's upset about everything of what I am doing.

One of the things is going on Waterloo Project.

I never confirmed with her until she asked me today.

She wanted me to go to Summer School, and go work part-time.

She and I were arguing about paying the $100 deposit fee for the summer semester.

Not sure why she never listens to me and only listens to her friend.

She may be older than me and wise, but I'm quite confident with what I know about deposit.

I kept telling her that it only pays for the summer semester, it does not include the Fall Semester.

But correct me if I am wrong because I don't want to be arrogant.

My mom who still is yet a follower of Christ, but still "praise" God for whatever.

Going to church and get taught "religiously", in her own perspective, and then walk outside the missions field and get surrounded by worldly things.

Although she still does not understand why I am doing, but I strongly ask you guys to pray for her.

She just need to make one more step!

And that is receiving Jesus Christ as her Saviour and Lord.

God, I ask you to keep working in her heart, and let reveal your much you love her that you sent Jesus who is willing to sacrifice to save her from eternal separation from you.

While talking about going to Waterloo with her, my third brother made a comment on it.

"Just let him be, mom. It's the choice he makes to be a missionary. If he keeps doing this, then he'll eventually realize something and become a courier who lifts up boxes and driving a truck. Working in this field gives low wage. That is the reason why I don't believe in these stuff.

I was fascinated by his comment, but you never know what happens in the future because you can't make a judgement out of that.

Is it the teaching of the church that he doesn't believe? or he just doesn't believe in Christianity or simply the existence of God.

I am going to reveal this to you guys.

Last month or so, my third bro and I were having a spiritual conversation.

The reason why he doesn't believe in God because God never helped him while he was suffering in China.

He showed that by using his own strength to survive without God.

While sitting there, listening to him, I would never realize what he said all of a sudden.

"But I probably believe Jesus did existed in the past, but I just don't think his teachings has any application in life."

He doesn't know God's soverignty.

When he was in China, my mom kept telling of the situation he is in and his mental state, meaning he thinks like a child sometimes.

I've been praying over him for some times while he was in China...going through hardship.

Now, there is something good happening in this family I'm living in.

My third brother keeps convicting me, well the Holy Spirit, for not praying on the dinner table.

My second brother said against him, "Nah! He doesn't need to pray, he probably prayed in his heart."

My little brother keeps fighting between Science vs. Christianity, and we keep discussing about it.

May God keep working in this family.

May the Holy Spirit dwell and fill this house.

I wanted to talk about this because today's Bible Study or Discipleship Group was about the Cost of following Christ. (Luke 9:57-62)
I am willing to sacrifice this summer for God's glory.

Monday, March 9, 2009


God punishes His children.

How do you feel if He does punish us?

We're kids, who likes to do things with our own ability.

We do things to that upset God.

We want to please God.

However, what if God discplines us?

It sounds very obvious that we know that OUR FATHER would punish or discipline His children.

Yesterday, I mistook Johnson's bag thinking it was my own bag.

When I first left the arena with the bag, it felt different, but I didn't really care much because I was rushing home.

Around dinner, Waylan calls me to see if I have Johnson's bag.

Wala! Surprise! It was Johnson's bag that I brought home...oops.

Jessica told me that I caused a lot of drama yesterday and I felt bad for what Johnson went through.

But when I read Johnson's facebook status, I learned something.

We have tons of material that keeps us on top of things.

Imagine that we lose every important things we have.

Such as Johnson...losing his important items for half a day.

That is what we called God's soveriegnty.

He teaches us not to always rely on the material things that we have, but to rely on Him.

He punishes us because He became jealous of us.

He punishes by taking the stuff we rely on.

By the time we feel hopeless, we ask God for it back and let us refocus on Him.

Hebrews 12: 1-13 talks about how God disciplines His children.

It's like a father taking our toys away from us since we love it so much that we takes things for granted without noting that our father bought us that toy because He loves us.

God disciplines us because He loves us and He wants the best for us.

It's really an important lesson for all of us and I surely learned a lot through Johnson's experience.


Friday, March 6, 2009

Here I am

"When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, "Moses! Moses!" And Moses said, "Here I am." "
"And God spoke to Israel in a vision at night and said, "Jacob! Jacob!" "Here I am," he replied."
Here I am, standing firm before the Lord.
When I think about myself taking initiative in doing what needs to be done, I always think that God wants me to do this.
But before we even take that step, is God really calling us to do what we believe that needs to be done?
Sometimes I think so highly of myself.
From the previous blogs, I talked how our lives are being driven by work and busyness.
When we get too busy and start thinking about God, we start initiating the work that we think it will be pleasing to God.
However, we didn't stop what we are doing.
We didn't think what God REALLY wants us to do.
I was talking to Derek Hill about joining the servant team.
He sees me, but God sees me even deeper.
I'm acting like Jonah.
Most of the time, I know what God is calling me to do, but I tend to run away from it.
I want to truly represent myself as God's servant.
I want to express it thankfully for what God has placed in me.
So, here I am!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Love <3

It is something I long for.
It is something that I crave for.
How to love?
If you look at God, then you'll see what's love.
God is love.
1 Corinthians 13.
Those describe God's character.
When I little, I thought love worldly.
I was applying those to the world and learning how to love someone.
Yet, I still don't know how to love someone.
I thought the Bible wasn't relevant to actually help me get a girlfriend.
When I got deeper into God, I started to understand through the Holy Spirit.
It is not talking about loving someone, but it is describing God's character.
How amazing God's love is for all of us, and that is grace.
I still struggle with this huge battle in me.
Loving someone...
Prioritize ourselves first.
What is our 1st priority?
God is our 1st priority because He is the center of everything.
Put Him first for everything and let Him work in our lives.
I love Derek Lo and Cecilia Leung's testimony of how they met and how God managed to work in their lives.
Whenever I read it, I wonder how could I apply their experience into my life?
I acknowledge them.
I think to myself, why should I be so fearful to the one I'm attracted to?
Well, I do love being with her, but I'm afraid of the after effect.
What would the result be if we did share our feelings toward each other?
I know I shouldn't be afraid because God has everything under control.
However, think about my personality; I'm weak.
No matter how hard I try to not let this pain get to me, I'll fall and it will devour me.
Denying myself and just do what God asked us to is very hard.
To be honest, I really want to get this over with asap, but I need to be patient and wait for His calling.
Lord, please forgive me for the things I've been thinking about...I know that I'm unworthy in many ways, but You still love me the way I am even though I fear many things. May I be obedient each day because I know I'm not. Love is a difficult thing to view, and I know that I couldn't love You as much as You love me. Teach me how to love You first, and teach me how to love someone...maybe her?...Amen.

Tomorrow is Calculus mid-term and I don't know what I'm studying.
Basically they are not hard.
Half of Chapter 3 only....pretty ridiculously easy.
Anyhow, got to go and memorize stupid formulas.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


During Calculus class, I was reflecting upon many situations that I've experienced.
When I think about it, it feels very scary.
Like imagine that I got would others feel?
Imagine that I have to risk my life to save a friend, how would my friend feel?
Well, I've never experienced those things before.
I DID got threatened by little punks, mugged by drug addicts, and intimidated by group of gangs.
However, I'm still save around God's arm.
My point is not the victim, but the offender.
What is up with them?
Don't they have better things to do or they should get a life...but we all say that.
 So what if we all say that to them, do they care?
My own understanding for teenagers that do crime is because they've experienced greater injury inside them and they want to express it with violence towards other people...I learned that from Criminology.
When they grow up, they become even more rebellion to the world.
They go to parties, bars and get drunk, smoke, do drugs...
Generally, getting themselves wasted.
Then they would go out and do crimes.
I'm thinking, "What are the parents doing?"
When an offender comes up to you, give them what you have.
If he hits you, then let me strike you.
It's very hard to fulfill these steps.
Jesus made laws that even the Pharisees cannot fulfill.
Matthew 5 explains it: Do not have an eye for an eye.
Something that I've been thinking about that causes doubt in me.
If the offender was to kill me, then would I let him or would defend?
If someone was to start a fight, then I honestly would fight back.
Here I am, declaring this to the readers.
What will you do if you stumble upon those situations?

Monday, March 2, 2009

How are you? or How am I?

"How's your walk with God?"
I never have expected her to ask me that question so soon.
I was surprised for few seconds, and I didn't know what to respond to her.
I was thinking if I was really with God for a moment.
Usually we respond, "ups and downs".
I simply answered her, "I haven't been reading His word for the past week, but I did start reading again yesterday and today."
"So, what is making you depress?"
I do not know.
Waking up in the middle of the night is probably not related to depression.
Although I often do feel sad, however I still believe there is a burden hidden in me.
God is the only who knows, but I'm not confident enough to be sure if it is that thing that is causing me.
Even though I got what I need, it doesn't mean it'll cure me.
Most of us probably went through this arrogant situation.
"If I got what I need, then I'll be confident that I can do better."
Not sure what I'm talking about?
One of my experience is that I have high self-esteem.
If I got a girlfriend, then I'll do better at school.
If I got what I needed, then I'll stop sinning.
Pretty interesting thoughts we have...sometimes.
But none of it is true.
It raises your confidants, but later on, you'll break that pledge.
I don't need to rely on anything worldly thing to help me.
I only need God to be my cure.
I sometimes face this difficult...and that is confronting with Him.
He knows, but I don't know how I could face my problem with Him.
I denied myself and face Him.
We shouldn't run away from our problems.
Sometimes we hide ourselves and just ignore that problem.
However, it burdens in our heart to not do anything about it.
But yes, I still have this feeling; this fantasy...
I shall rest upon His arms.