What to say today...on this blog.
Anyone want to give me some ideas of what to type?
Ironically speaking, I am typing and saying something interesting.
HA, tricked you all!
And surely I am with you always, until the very end of the age
Recently, I never thought it would be possible for me to imagine.
Right now, I have raised a lot of support.
I am very blessed to have brothers and sisters who are willing to give for the glorification of God.
"It is better to give than to receive."
Prayer is very important at this stage if you are raising support.
Without prayer, you just can't do anything with you own strength.
Even after you've prayed, you will still need to rely on God.
If you ask what your need is, then you will receive.
God is so unpredictable in many circumstances.
If I don't continue praying, then I can't receive anything.
But every time I pray, I'll receive more support...isn't that amazing of how God works?
Jesus promised us that He'll always be there for us.
QUIZ TIME: Tell me which verse that Jesus promised us! Don't cheat! Use your Bible as a resource! No internet Biblegateway or any internet resource XP
Practically, I've already raised around 25%!
There is still a long way to go, but no matter how big or small the contribution is, the percentage will always increase.
You were on fire.
You were angry.
You struggled through the control of your anger.
You sometimes fall into temptation.
But now, you're renewed through Jesus.
Think about it, you were angry at everything.
Another word for calm is to be still.
There is a reason why the title for this part is called Calm.
Take a really deep thought this word calm.
It came from a translation.
This week, I have already made up my mind.
I am ready to spill.
Today, I was thinking about doing that, but God didn't spoke to me.
It's not the time yet.
I was thinking about doing so, but I would be ignorant if I made that attempt.
God's timing is always perfect.
That moment, God didn't spoke to me, so I didn't initiate it.
I'm not sure if this verse would apply to me right now.
Hebrew 4:7 "Therefore God again set a certain day, calling it Today, when a long time later he spoke through David, as was said before: 'Today , if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts.' "
Let us be open to God's calling.
PS: By the way, who's reading this blog? Now, BE HONEST. Comment here or message me on fb or email.