Tuesday, March 3, 2009


During Calculus class, I was reflecting upon many situations that I've experienced.
When I think about it, it feels very scary.
Like imagine that I got murdered...how would others feel?
Imagine that I have to risk my life to save a friend, how would my friend feel?
Well, I've never experienced those things before.
I DID got threatened by little punks, mugged by drug addicts, and intimidated by group of gangs.
However, I'm still save around God's arm.
My point is not the victim, but the offender.
What is up with them?
Don't they have better things to do or they should get a life...but we all say that.
 So what if we all say that to them, do they care?
My own understanding for teenagers that do crime is because they've experienced greater injury inside them and they want to express it with violence towards other people...I learned that from Criminology.
When they grow up, they become even more rebellion to the world.
They go to parties, bars and get drunk, smoke, do drugs...
Generally, getting themselves wasted.
Then they would go out and do crimes.
I'm thinking, "What are the parents doing?"
When an offender comes up to you, give them what you have.
If he hits you, then let me strike you.
It's very hard to fulfill these steps.
Jesus made laws that even the Pharisees cannot fulfill.
Matthew 5 explains it: Do not have an eye for an eye.
Something that I've been thinking about that causes doubt in me.
If the offender was to kill me, then would I let him or would defend?
If someone was to start a fight, then I honestly would fight back.
Here I am, declaring this to the readers.
What will you do if you stumble upon those situations?

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