Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hi Jilly Jill Jill! and Sacrifices

Recently, I realize that Jill has been reading my blogpost.

So I just want to say, "HI JILL! Hopefully you'll reply to this message =D "

Anyhow, back on topic.

Today, my mom has been having a lot of concern about me.

She's upset about everything of what I am doing.

One of the things is going on Waterloo Project.

I never confirmed with her until she asked me today.

She wanted me to go to Summer School, and go work part-time.

She and I were arguing about paying the $100 deposit fee for the summer semester.

Not sure why she never listens to me and only listens to her friend.

She may be older than me and wise, but I'm quite confident with what I know about deposit.

I kept telling her that it only pays for the summer semester, it does not include the Fall Semester.

But correct me if I am wrong because I don't want to be arrogant.

My mom who still is yet a follower of Christ, but still "praise" God for whatever.

Going to church and get taught "religiously", in her own perspective, and then walk outside the missions field and get surrounded by worldly things.

Although she still does not understand why I am doing, but I strongly ask you guys to pray for her.

She just need to make one more step!

And that is receiving Jesus Christ as her Saviour and Lord.

God, I ask you to keep working in her heart, and let reveal your much you love her that you sent Jesus who is willing to sacrifice to save her from eternal separation from you.

While talking about going to Waterloo with her, my third brother made a comment on it.

"Just let him be, mom. It's the choice he makes to be a missionary. If he keeps doing this, then he'll eventually realize something and become a courier who lifts up boxes and driving a truck. Working in this field gives low wage. That is the reason why I don't believe in these stuff.

I was fascinated by his comment, but you never know what happens in the future because you can't make a judgement out of that.

Is it the teaching of the church that he doesn't believe? or he just doesn't believe in Christianity or simply the existence of God.

I am going to reveal this to you guys.

Last month or so, my third bro and I were having a spiritual conversation.

The reason why he doesn't believe in God because God never helped him while he was suffering in China.

He showed that by using his own strength to survive without God.

While sitting there, listening to him, I would never realize what he said all of a sudden.

"But I probably believe Jesus did existed in the past, but I just don't think his teachings has any application in life."

He doesn't know God's soverignty.

When he was in China, my mom kept telling of the situation he is in and his mental state, meaning he thinks like a child sometimes.

I've been praying over him for some times while he was in China...going through hardship.

Now, there is something good happening in this family I'm living in.

My third brother keeps convicting me, well the Holy Spirit, for not praying on the dinner table.

My second brother said against him, "Nah! He doesn't need to pray, he probably prayed in his heart."

My little brother keeps fighting between Science vs. Christianity, and we keep discussing about it.

May God keep working in this family.

May the Holy Spirit dwell and fill this house.

I wanted to talk about this because today's Bible Study or Discipleship Group was about the Cost of following Christ. (Luke 9:57-62)
I am willing to sacrifice this summer for God's glory.

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