God punishes His children.
How do you feel if He does punish us?
We're kids, who likes to do things with our own ability.
We do things to that upset God.
We want to please God.
However, what if God discplines us?
It sounds very obvious that we know that OUR FATHER would punish or discipline His children.
Yesterday, I mistook Johnson's bag thinking it was my own bag.
When I first left the arena with the bag, it felt different, but I didn't really care much because I was rushing home.
Around dinner, Waylan calls me to see if I have Johnson's bag.
Wala! Surprise! It was Johnson's bag that I brought home...oops.
Jessica told me that I caused a lot of drama yesterday and I felt bad for what Johnson went through.
But when I read Johnson's facebook status, I learned something.
We have tons of material that keeps us on top of things.
Imagine that we lose every important things we have.
Such as Johnson...losing his important items for half a day.
That is what we called God's soveriegnty.
He teaches us not to always rely on the material things that we have, but to rely on Him.
He punishes us because He became jealous of us.
He punishes by taking the stuff we rely on.
By the time we feel hopeless, we ask God for it back and let us refocus on Him.
Hebrews 12: 1-13 talks about how God disciplines His children.
It's like a father taking our toys away from us since we love it so much that we takes things for granted without noting that our father bought us that toy because He loves us.
God disciplines us because He loves us and He wants the best for us.
It's really an important lesson for all of us and I surely learned a lot through Johnson's experience.
I really feel bad for making you feel bad today... I shouldn't have been so harsh.But I am glad that you have learned from Johnson's lesson too.