Monday, September 7, 2009

Blessed (continue)

Continuing from my last entry, I was reminded about something that taught me long ago.
I count each moment as a blessing.
My mom's friends told me about Matthew 5.
Yes, I know what that verse talks about.
However, once I opened to God's words again, my eyes felt so refreshed and I learned something again.
From my last entry, Matthew 5:3-4 spoke to me.
Yes, during that moment, my spirit was poor and I felt heavy burdened.
There were so much going on that I didn't even realized I desperately needed to acknowledge God's sovereignty.
I was carrying too much stuff.
I told God that I don't want to carry this burden.
God spoke to me through 1 Peter 4:7.
It was a great reminder that I can't do everything myself.
Without Him, I am nothing.
I lift everything up to Him because I know He'll take care of it.
It was such a great blessing.
My whole body felt so light and felt peace.
I wonder what will happen?
School is starting tomorrow!
4 months of vacation was just too much.
At least two months is enough for me.
I felt bored doing not a lot of things beside some chores.
At least school will keep me busy for another four months =)
I am praying that I will continue to grow in the Lord.
One of my Sunday School teachers taught me and the youth about his school life:

this story isn't about "doing well in school." It's about growing in
Christ even when you are not doing well in school. This story is about
God doing something through you that you alone cannot do.

step out in faith. If you succeed, bless God for the open door. If you
fail even though you tried, bless God for closing an unnecessary door.
As long as you do all things to the best of your ability, you can be
confident that the result is God's will.

Jesus is King of kings
and Lord of lords. He is also the Principal of principals. Teacher of
teachers. He is in control of every institution. If it is his will, you
WILL get into whatever school or program. He will accomplish it. If he
says "no" just be still and know that he is God. If he cares enough to
feed the birds of the air, no doubt he will feed you and clothe you -
however way he wills. Don't ever lose faith.

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