Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I hate it when an alarm just rings and wakes me up, not to mention that it was not even my own alarm.
It rang there for like few minutes and found out that it wasn't an alarm, it was a phone call.
I had an interesting dream last night that felt so real but I'm not going to share it.
 My bell(thought) was ringing too!
I still can't decide if I need to go to Summer School or Waterloo for this Summer.
I'm glad my mom "lets" me, but committed to work part-time after project, which is not that bad.
At the same time, I want to take some elective courses over the Summer.
Heavenly Father, direct to where you're leading me because I can't make any determination.

It's hard to know who I am as a learner.
I heard of a phrase that has regard to that sentence above.
I hope you fail because you'll learn you own mistakes.
Not sure if I interpret it correctly but I believe it's true most of the time.
"When will they ever learn?"
People can sometimes be so stubborn and just go at it without knowing their own consequences.
School has began yesterday and I already have lots of work to do.
I went to all my classes and found out that two of my professors have an ascent...oh how lovely.
One prof sounds like he's choking himself and the other one is quiet.
I must stay focus and be motivated!
I know there are far more greater things that is going to happen in the future, but for now, I got to keep up.
*staring at Calculus and Physics*

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