Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Love includes Patience

I'm sitting at the SFU computer labs reading my Calculus study guide and wondering about something.
It's almost the end of the day and so many things has happened.
I went to the prayer meeting this very early morning.
I took initiative of evangelism with Angie and had good conversations with students, one of them was from my high school tee hee.
Evangelism takes a lot of patience and confidence to actually get to the gospel presentation.
Anyhow, we need to love that people that we talked to as well.
I was still thinking if I could get through this semester, but like I said to Kenny, "You won't fail!"
So I won't fail.
And a whisper just came to my ear just now...*Pastor Jeff: Finish well and don't regret about it tomorrow.*
I regret for wasting so much time last semester, but lets make everyday be meaningful.
Lets make today very meaningful, and very special.
*sigh* Calculus and Discrete Math...takes a lot of patient to understand it.
I will gain victory over both of you with the help of my Lord and Savior, Jesus.


  1. Hey TommyGreat job taking initative going sharing today.Proverbs 16:3"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." make a plan, pray over it and then find 2 other ppl to pray with you over it. (cus theres power in numbers and praying alone is depressing).if you and 2 other guys, meet up EVERY MORNING and pray for God's guidance for the plan, how likely would God listen and response to that prayer?

  2. and love takes patience especially when you see friends falling away from God... once filled with passion and today pursuing prosperity and the american dream...
