Sunday, June 20, 2010

Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Happy Father's Day.
How should I start off with this entry?
There are lots to share.
What is boggling in my mind lately?
For the past 6-8 years, I have been bitter against someone.
Someone whom I should love.
Someone whom I should respect.
Someone whom I should have kept in contact.
Someone whom I should forgive.
That "someone" is my father.
He is that "someone" whom I haven't spoken, seen, and forgiven for a long time.
He may have done a lot of "terrible" things in my family, but he has a lot of reasons why this situation has happened.
Last night, I had the spirit to speak to him with no fear and nothing holding me back.
It has been a while since I last heard his voice.
He said my voice has changed.
We shared how life was.
I am glad that he is doing alright.
His body is getting weak now.
He is getting older.
He is exercising a lot to keep himself stable.
He knew that I am Christian because my uncle told him.
He asked me, "Who asked you to call me? Is it mom or brother?"
I answered, "Jesus."
Later on...after sharing each others story...
He wept...
He wept......
For the past 6-8 years, last night was one of his most happiest moment in his life.
He thought mom told me to call him.
He never ever thought that Jesus would tell me to call him.
Therefore, I did, and I obeyed, and I forgave him.
I understand him.
I understand the disappointment he went through because of my brothers.
I understand he went through a lot of pain.
I understand he went through loneliness.
I told him about the reason why I didn't call him for the past 6-8 years.
Mom told me a lot of things about what my father did.
I became kind of bitter.
I became unforgiving.
I didn't understand why he treated my mom the way she told me.
No matter what he kind of sin he has committed to my family, I still forgave him.
I told him, "I forgive you because God forgave us. I've sinned, but God still forgave me. If He is willing to forgive me because of my sin, then why shouldn't I forgive you?"
I forgive you.
I don't care anymore what happened in the past, but don't let it scarce our broken bondage for life.
He gave me a lot of teachings...
At this moment, I'm going to take care of mom while I await for him to come back.
Thank You, Jesus.
For never leaving nor forsake my family.
I pray that he will come to know You one of these days.

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