Friday, May 21, 2010

Taste the Word (Psalm 119:103)

How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey
to my mouth!

I wonder...
When was the last time I really tasted that the word of God is good...delicious.
I remember watching Ratatouille the other night. (It was an awesome movie)
There was this rat called, Remy, and his brother, Emile.
Remy ate something, and he was tasting it, and then he exploded with delight when chewing it.
However, Emile, just ate it and swallowed it without REALLY tasting it.
Remy told Emile that he was missing out and encouraged him to taste and chew it slowly.
Emile was kind of ignorant when tasting it and didn't experience the same delight as Remy.
 For me, I honestly don't know where I am at right now in reading the scripture.
 Am I eating it too fast or am I slowly chewing it so I could experience "How sweet are [His] words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!"
I am almost done reading the whole Bible.
I am slowly grabbing each pieces of puzzles together and get a glimpse of God.
And also forming a picture.
For the past few weeks, I have been doing this summer bible reading plan.
I gave it to the youth so they could read the New Testament for the summer.
I didn't want to just give it them and tell them to read it, but I also want to be an example by reading it with them.
However, as I am reading it and reading it, I am not absorbing it.
I am just eating it too fast without seriously studying the word of God.
Chapter by chapter, I am practically absorbing knowledge into my head.
I need to ask myself.
What am I reading?
What is God is doing here?
What is God trying to tell me?
One chapter on the gospel of Luke is very long.
I didn't seriously take into the investment of my time in studying Jesus.
Now, I haven't been keeping up with the Summer Bible Reading because I wasn't too sure if this is right for me.
That style doesn't suit my taste anymore.
I want to eat it.
I want to chew it.
I want to experience that JOY and that SWEETNESS in the word of God.
Not only that, but I also desire to be transformed by the word of God.
Tonight, I was asking myself.
God, how are you going to transform me?
How will you make me any different next year?
I want to submit to You.

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