man that was saturday?forgot to tell everyone about this. First went to watch Scary Movie 4 with Billy. Dom
where did u went off to again? u shouldve watched it with us because it's no fun missing a person. anyways
finish watching movie. I decided to go to Billy's house^^. eewwww, billy if ur reading this, you should clean up
ur house before your parent comes home. And thx for letting me sleep over at ur house^^got sooo excited
playing Resident Evil 4. I was too lazy to walked back home actually. Got hooked up playing RE4. first played 5
hours straight without saving. Then my brain turned solid and stop playing, i saved the game for the first time
in 5 hours. Played with his guitar and listening to his music. billy tell ur sister to stop smoking, not healthy and
makes her not pretty. took like 10min to load his laptop. Show him some crazy games and made his got hook
up with the game sooo bad that made him wanted to go back to HK and buy it lol. Billy if u ever read space,
send me the song Realize in Remix or two-mix watever you called it. Then went to drink bubble tea probably
around 11pm. The was another weird thing, his sister planned to go to Richmond to eat dim sum at that
time.......Never thought you can eat dim sum at mid night. Got back home at 1pm then start playing RE4 for
another 2 hours. Slept at his little bro's bed. Billy, you and ur sister outta clean up ur little bro's room while he's
away. Not good for the guest to sleep in with. then finally slept at four something. I gotta go back to his
house and finish RE4.
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