Tuesday, January 24, 2006

no more ma life time

Ok, no more dairy thingy or telling my day anymore. Tired of typing so long already>< And i dont think no one would read it anyway. OK today suck just like everyday besides the holiday off from skool. HW and test. HW is kinda hard and dunno how to study for ma test. Im going to be screwed tomorrow anyway. Eyes cant blink much and my brain is hollow. So tired already. Cant think much besides day dreaming about something. Those imaginary thingy always make me thinking dont wanna go to MISSION FEST. and yeah

1 comment:

  1. Ermm...i think I REALLY need to comment ya, boy. What imaginary thingy? Wat are those "stuff" that are preventing you from going to church and youth events ar? Aye Kurumba~ Haf u tried talking to Mabear or Vanbear about your problem? Or is it really skewl that's bothering you? Elizabear~*prays*
