Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Law And Gospel Debate

There has been a discussion that's been circulating within the evangelical circle regarding the law and the gospel. There is a mixed bags of confusion on how Christians should understand the law and the gospel, especially on the topic of sanctification. Such confusion can cause theologians, preachers, and Christians to step out of the line of orthodoxy, which then leads back to the subject of antinomianism. Antinomianism is not simply about "sinning so that grace may abound". This teaching (bad theology and false teaching) is sneaking inside the church without the lay people having any sort of knowledge about the subject. 

The questions that are being asked are (and there's more):

  1. Do Christians need to obey the law in order to please God?
  2. Do Christians need to work hard and try to obey the law by the power of the Holy Spirit? 
  3. Is God displeased when Christians sin OR do our sins affect God's love for us?
  4. Is the motivation in obeying the law simply a way to express thanksgiving?
I somewhat made a response in the past, and I will not repeat myself.

It would seem like there will be a discussion or a debate about this subject, and I think it is needed because Christians are confused. It is critical to have a clarity and an answer about this topic. 

Dr. Mark Jones publicly offered to go to Florida and debate with Tullian Tchividjian at his own expense.  

Check out Kevin DeYoung's post on this issue:
But it’s also possible—and in fact, everyone seems to agree on this point—that there are profound disagreements about what sanctification is and how it happens. I’d be happy to slowly work through each of these questions over the coming months. I’d be happy to look at questions from the “other side.” I’d be happy to see Mark and Tullian sit down (or stand up, as the case may be) for a friendly debate. I’d be happy for anyone willing to hash through these questions, ready to quote Bible verses and bring to bear the wisdom of our confessional tradition. I’d be happy for anyone or anything that produces clarity.

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