Thursday, April 3, 2014

Unforgettable Hymns

I've been singing hymns ever since I went to Oakridge Baptist Church. However, my appreciation for hymns wasn't strong enough. During my teen years, I thought they're simply the old classic worship songs that the seniors at my church sang during their youth or adulthood. I enjoyed listening to contemporary Christian music more than hymns.

It's time for me to confess: I absolutely love singing hymns. It all began when I started leading worship more often during Sunday school a few years ago. I enjoy listening to and singing classic hymns more than contemporary Christian music. What I love about hymns are the richness of the lyrics because they contain rich theology.

I do not dislike contemporary Christian music. To be fair, there are some lyrics in the hymns that I do not agree with, such as "Away In A Manger" and "We Three Kings". I deeply appreciate the work that Chris Tomlin does, such as "How Great Is Our God" because it is so God-exalting. This song aligns with the hymn, "How Great Thou Art". Not to mention "Might To Save" by Hillsong. Graham Kendrick composed some great pieces, such as "Knowing You" and "We Worship At Your Feet".

How can we not remember the "Amazing Grace" that God lavished upon us? As Christians, we remember that our hope is found "In Christ Alone" because "Jesus Paid It All". "All Creatures of our God and King", let's lift up our voice and praise Him and "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus"! The list goes on: "Come Thou Fount", "Be Thou My Vision", "Great Is Thy Faithfulness" and etc.

We are to "sing new songs" to the LORD (Psalm 149:1; Psalm 40:3; Psalm 33:3; Psalm 98:1; Psalm 144:9). Praise songs are one of the means to teaching and admonishing one another (Colossians 3:16). Throughout the book of Psalms, we need to be reminded that "praise & worship" ultimately has to do with bringing glory and honor to God, not self.

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