Thursday, July 19, 2012

Reference Menu (July 19th, 2012)

State Of Sexual Union

This article from Boundless speaks about the theology of sex, body and chastity. I do wish the editor would provide more Biblical reference to back up their reasoning, but I do think they make a point on describing the meaning of our bodies, sex and chastity.
A couple may have all the Bibles in the world — and Christian dating books on proper boundaries — stacked up between them, but if their vision of chastity is as shallow as "don't have sex before marriage because the Bible says so" and "you might get STDs," they will probably find a way to knock those books down.

Attack on Pastor's Home In Nigeria Kill 50

Pray for Nigeria

Erasing Hell

Francis Chan is a very passionate and humble in speaking about Hell. Additionally, we have to remember that our thoughts are not God's thought. If we try to play the role of God by saying, "This is not what I would do", then we are trying to put God's thought in subject to our thought, and downgrading the Almighty One to our level of thoughts.

But Scripture clearly says:
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
(Isaiah 55:9 ESV)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Confession

Wisdom cries aloud in the street,
in the markets she raises her voice;
at the head of the noisy streets she cries out;
at the entrance of the city gates she speaks:
“How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple?
How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing
and fools hate knowledge?
(Proverbs 1:20-22 ESV)

Oh my soul longs to breathe in the Holy Ghost daily and fully submit to His divine power. My soul gushes out in words that are burdensome and inexpressible.

My longing for satisfaction has been yielding toward worldliness that provides a counterfeit for pleasure and satisfaction. This life on earth is temporary, so seize the moment and experience the abundance of life, which speaks Half-Truth. How foolish it is to simply to gain the riches of this world.

I am hungry and thirsty for You. You're everything that I need.


Thursday, July 5, 2012

Reference Menu (July 5th, 2012)

4 Reasons Men Like Porn

This article speaks from a Biblical Counsel point of view on why men can easily be pulled into pornography and actually like them. This may be helpful for you.
1.) Porn is easy, but relationships are hard.

2.) Porn is comfortable, but life is stressful.

3.) Porn is exciting, but life is boring.

4.) Porn makes men feel powerful, but real life makes them feel powerless.

RC Sproul interviews DA Carson on Biblical Exegesis

Listening to interview, spoken from scholars, is helpful for me and refreshes my thinking and reading of the Bible in context. Encourage you to spend some time listening.
Sproul: What is a brief definition of Exegesis?

Carson: All that exegesis reading the text and finding out what's there.


5 Questions To Ask Of A Book

Speaking from a Christian perspective and to my Christian audience out there, we are all book readers. Whenever we read Christian books, it is very important to discern and ask ourselves some questions. Tim Challies offers 5 Questions, in his way of reading Christian books, we could ask ourselves.
1.) Does It Draw Its Truth From Scripture?

2.) Is It Faithful To The Bible?

3.) Does It Have A Gospel Focus?

4.) Does It Lead To Other Sound Teaching?

5.) Is It Well-Written?