- Woke up at 10:30am.
- Listened to LOVE by Jaeson Ma
- Deeply thinking which desktop computer I should buy so I could play Starcraft 2 :P
- Talking to Johnson Chuang about building in the desktop computer because it is cheaper.
- Read an article by Mark Driscoll, which speaks about Santa Claus (very interesting): http://onfaith.washingtonpost.com/onfaith/panelists/mark_driscoll/2010/12/what_we_tell_our_kids_about_santa.html
- Went to NCIX to look at the computer features, but didn't buy it. Probably going to talk to my brother about it and see what he thinks.
- Ate KFC with my brother, and had an interesting discussion. Just to summarize what we've discussed, I really do need to be thankful to be my family for all they've done. He is not a believer, and he very resistant against God and does not believe God exist. He told me a lot of things that I do not always agree. Whenever he talks about me and others, I would question back to him. But he thinks I am mad because I questioned him back. We do have the freedom of speech, and we can be judgmental toward each other. He told me, "If you do not help the family, then nobody will help you. Not even friends or your co-workers. This is a selfish world. You may not understand it right now, but once you go into the working industry, then you will understand. I really wonder if you will still think the same as you are working." I assume his point is this, "Will I still be faithful and steadfast towards God in the future? Will I still depend on Him to help me whenever I go through trials." He has been gracious toward me and helping me a lot. Holy Spirit convicted me at that moment. I feel selfish towards my family. I realized whenever he and I have conversation about family, he always points me out to be the most selfish guy. Even while eating, he doesn't understand why Christians need to say grace. He doesn't understand why I have faith in God even though he thinks he doesn't exist. In my thoughts, I questioned, "Does he think I am a mad man for believing God because there is no evidence or we simply can't see Him?" There is reason to believe! If Jesus did not rise from the grave, then my faith is futile, and I am like a mad-man.
Watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RziR9rivKHo
Please remember my family in your prayers.
- 3:30pm: Listen to some videos of Ravi Zacharias. I have heard about him for a while. Perhaps I hear him a lot through my brother in Christ, Kevin Thomas. As I keep listening to his talks on youtube, I am beginning to be appealed to him. He is an excellent speaker and he knows how to answer a lot of tough questions being thrown by skeptics. If you have not heard of him, then I encourage you to listen to him. I feel like he and his colleague, Michael Ramsden, have influenced me to think in a deeper level of faith. I might buy some books from him.
Here is the website: http://www.rzim.org/default.aspx
1 Peter 3:15 "but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect."
- Looking through the books and watching view videos of RZIM, I realized there are a lot of deep philosophical questions that I find myself hard to answer. It is humbling. This leads me to take a step back and ponder over these unanswered questions that I want to deal with through my life time.
- Read Chapter 607 of Onepiece.
-Napped while listening to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUohtd2hP78
-Ate dinner. Nom Nom Nom.
-Eating mini Ritz bit sandwiches.
-Watched some Starcraft 2 gameplay on youtube
-Went to Futureshop and look for TV at Station Square.
-Talking to Paulman to see what kind of computer feature he would recommend. Realized shopping for a good desktop computer can be tedious and hectic.
-Doing bit of research on Illuminati. I don't know too much about this. Sounds like a cult to me.
-Before I end this day, I will be reading Ephesians 3:1-13 and Mark 8:22-38. I am, again, thankful for God for His grace and love as I am slowly learning about Him. I praise God for all that He has done. John 1:3 "All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made."
I hope you enjoyed the adventure of my day :)
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