Saturday, June 20, 2009

Man Up

I am back from Waterloo.
I didn't feel obligated to do my daily post because I had no time for it...*EXCUSE XP*
Now that I am back, I can start posting again!
You might be wondering what I've learned over the past 6-7 weeks.
Well, I'll tell you.
The thing about sharing your experience has some more than just expression.
For me, I won't just share my joy and the experience, but how God was glorified through this experience.
I want to share how God made me realized something while I was on project.
I want to share that God is good no matter what.
I want to share what God has been teaching me through only one of the passages in the Bible.

It is true.
Once you come back from project, you just don't feel like doing anything.
It happened to me today.
I didn't a lot.
I slept, reading manga, and going out for nothing.
I was about to go to SFU to do some stuff, but I got tempted to play DDR and ITG...failure.
When I got back, I did a lot of random stuff.
I came to my realization and remembered something.
Peter Cheung sent me a "A Guy's Guide To: Marrying Well"...although it is in PDF.
I read through one whole section talking about Intentionality.
I won't spoil, but if you, men, want one, then come ask me.
When I read through that section, I reflected back to my own life experience.
I got rejected twice in a whole and I became frustrated and stuff.
That booklet convinced me about something.
If you're rejected, then take it...MAN UP.
If you're a man, then you can take that risk right?
Just like a brave warrior rescuing a princess.
He must go through risk to save that beauty aye?
I learned something about it.
I have been keeping myself shut.
Sometimes I feel like I am not man enough to take hits.
I feel weak most of the time.
1 Corinthians 11:7-9
"That future spouse of yours will look to you for you are the head of the household."

1 comment:

  1. Actually Tommy, I wouldn't mind reading that myself. It sounds interesting and it'd be good to know what all you guys are being taught. Since I often have to explain what guys are up to to my female friends it'd probably be good to know. :)
