Friday, September 19, 2014

iPhone 6/6+ and the Human Heart

Last night, my mom asked me to check out the line-up for the release of the new iPhone 6/6+ at Oakridge Centre. A couple of my buddies and I went to Oakridge and saw a massive line-up at 8:30PM. 

In comparison to iPhone 6 and Boxing Day (or Black Friday), you only get the regular price of an iPhone 6, and you do not get any discount for it. I keep pondering, "Why do people line up for a phone that does not help them save money?" It is possible that iPhone 6 is totally a new gadget that people want to get their hands on (no duh). IPhone 6 is a new trend. Some people enjoy being part of the trend or something viral, such as the Ice Bucket Challenge. 

Now, in terms of lining up for an iPhone comment. (LINKI don't understand everything about people's motivation (although my mom wanted to buy it and sell it in Hong Kong in order to earn profit), but I do know something about the nature of the human heart.

We all desire something or someone to satisfy our inner longing or fulfillment. But why? There are philosophical or scientific answers to these questions, but let's set our focus on what God says to us. 

"He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man's heart, yet so that he cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end." (Ecclesiastes 3:11) The author realizes that both his desire to understand all of life, as well as the limitations on his ability to do so, have been ordained by God. We are all wired to understand life, and even have certain desires to fulfill our longings. The reason why these trendy things won't last is because they satisfy us temporarily; they do not satisfy us forever. Within a certain time, we are already seeking out something else to satisfy us. (two months later, people are already waiting for the iPhone 6S)

We are living in a fallen world. A world full of problems. A world full of lust. A world full of sin. A world full of idolatry. The nature of the human heart is that we are sinners. 

Lining up for an iPhone 6, or Boxing Day, or Black Friday, is perhaps to be a day full of idolatry. Believe it or not, we are all worshipers of something or someone. "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator." (Romans 1:25)

In order for our hearts to be satisfied, we need to seek out the one who created us. Saint Augustine said, "Our heart is restless, until it rest in Thee." Jesus promises us this, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (John 10:10)

I confess...I'll probably line up for the Nexus 6 (Nexus X). If you ever need someone to line up for you, then give me a call. I only charges $20/hour.