In the past, people asked me about Predestination vs. Free Will, Assurance of Salvation, Calvinist, and etc. In this entry, I want to share my theological position. Now, there are lots of positions out there, but I'll give you one of them. Do I stand on the side of Arminianism or Calvinism/Reformed?
From my understanding of what the Scripture teaches, I stand along the side of/yield towards Reform Theology. You can call me a Calvinist if you want even though I dislike being labelled that way (not that anyone called by that). I am a follower of Jesus Christ, His disciple, and a child of God. That's it. I simply want to be faithful to the teachings of Scripture as a whole. As I read and studied Scripture, I am more convinced that the Bible does teach about Total Depravity, Predestination, Unconditional Election, Irresistible Grace, Perseverance of the Saints. However, Limited Atonement is one of the Doctrines that's tricky and somewhat a problem for me to understand. I do agree that Jesus died for elect, but I also believe that Jesus died for everyone. Here's how I would summarize this: Jesus died for the sins of the whole world but His atonement is only effective to those who believe.
You can read more about it in some detail here:
It's been almost 5 years ever since God saved me through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He loves me despite of who I am - a wretched sinner. His grace is enough and I need Him everyday. Five years, God taught me a lot through Scripture, prayer, other believers, and daily basis. And I still have lots to learn and study from Him through the power of the Holy Spirit.
This is just a surface of where I stand so far. Please don't criticize or judge where I am at if you disagree. I still love you wherever you stand theologically :)