Tuesday, December 26, 2006

These past days

Over these past days, it's been like......iunno should i say insane? Like i dunno what happened to me. Right now, i dun even remember a thing for what i did. Well i remember that i went to Church on Sunday and lighting up candles at night. I was sittin beside Joman and watching Pastor Jim giving us the message. After it was over, i was like......what did he say anyways? I didnt even listen or hear what he just said. No i didnt sleep. I probably zoom out, out of nowhere....day dreaming. I dunno, i dun even remember a thing. I'm like all messed up. Brain cant function a bit. After the candle lighting, went to a Party. Just sitting there nothing much to do other than playing with Javyn. Then i saw a chess board. I was hmm interesting, i want to play chess with someone. Then JUSTING or Juice wants to challenge me, or i wanted to play someone though. Then I just like pretended that i sucked and dunno if the pieces were there or not. I got mixed up on the bishop and the pawn. Then Justing was like "are u sure u want to play me, i'll own u. Ok i dun feel like playing with cause ur like noob". I was like just play and we'll see. Then Justin was like all cocky and stuffs. After like 20 minute, he's like quiet all of a sudden, probably i was like owning him already. Guess what, at last i actually beat him. Then Jonny was like "Oh, no wonder why Justin was like all quiet and stuff." YESH i shut him up for once. And i dunno what happen back there, i never been so good at chess. Justin was good too. But i thought i was the noob. Guess what Jackie(if ur reading this), i was sitting like L's position while playing him. My brain actually function. But the other guys told me not to sit like that because they think it's going to break the chair. Well in the second game of chess, versing Chuck, a person i dun no. Well in the beginning, I thought he played like a pro because he took one of my pawn. But somehow i was taking advantage on him on the board. We kept playing for like more than 1/2 hour i think. Then i was seeing a checkmate right there already. Then i checkmate him, well that was a stupid mistake move i did. I didnt had the checkmate, he took out my queen without notice. I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAW. Then he won in the last. In conclusion of chess, I couldve won if i didnt made that mistake. After that i got all bored and just party with the Wii that joman brought. After the party, me and joman went to Justin's place to sleep over. It was like a game stadium(well not quite thought, i looked like one with his BIG SCREEN TV). I tried his Guitar Hero. It was HARD. then my finger was like messed up. We watched District 13, crazy free run movie. Then Played Warcraft. Man they suck soooo much, i dun want to call them suck, but i can take advantage on it because they wont read my blog hehehehhehehehe. I took a really really short nap at 6:30am.......i'm insane XD i actually didnt got enough sleep during Sat and Sun, like 2 days..........It was really insane. I didnt colapse during that time. I just felt like taking a short nap because i had nothing to do. Well those two went to sleep earlier than me. STupid Justin pour cold water at my face><. Woke me up just to play Guitar Hero with me. And watch Christmas Vacation. Then some more warcraft. YES FINALLY walk back home. Then went back to sleep after arriving home. actually no, i had hot pot with my family. Then went to sleep at 6pm something. My bone were like broken when i woke up. Mom went out and me and jimmy sneaked out and went to richmond today. Wasted out life in arcade.......yep we're insane during Boxing day. I dun even have anything to buy. So yeah. Nothing much to do these days. So bored. I wish us the youth group could have a Youth Hangout. and yeah.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Just want to say


Friday, December 15, 2006

looking forward

Ok, i dun even know why i deleted my last blog. Probably it felt stupid writing all those things what i did in skool and all people that YOU people dun even know. Anyhow, yup today i finally got my report card.......not a great thing to be excited about. For *I have FAILED ALL MY COURSES* wink wink ;). So rite now im just going to spend my ten minute typing my new blog and then back to HW and studying during 12am.......Pretty insane aye =.=". i feel like im trying to earn my rites to get a good mark for my 2nd term. For a great reason to tell you guys, i have found a home to study!!!! =D. Great place to study, no distraction or anything, well besides my stomache grawling.....boooo. I actually spend 5 hours of working on my skool work. Never have i did that on my first term. Well last year in grade 11 i spend more than 5 hours working. So from now on, i have my own place to do my work and study, im looking forward into getting a good mark for 2nd term, hopefully that place would help alot more. 

    Wow every week and ever since Sept...... the time has flied by so quickly? And im like wow it December already and it's almost Christmas!!! so fast. I dunno why people like "you" thinks time goes so slow. well i didnt you, to the reader that feels that way. O my, i can bet next week it's going to fly by too quick. Just think upon the stuff you need to do like test and quick or hw that is due that day, and think about trying to reach that day. That's how my time goes back like a swiiiiffftt. I still remember moosy moo(Masao) said when you're getting older, the time flies by quickly. But when after i grad i dun want my time to go quickly, i want it slooooowww. I dunno why, working hard goes by so slow, having fun goes by really fast. well like i said think about trying to reach that day. Think upon the test ur going to do and say "I'll be looking forward to it." then you're day will go by fast. well probably there will be disadvantage for that strategy, but i know what, however dun want to tell. only if you reply this blog then i'll tell you readers in person.. hehehehe.

    Let see here what am i going to do to spend my lovely Christmas holiday? work, date, go out, or just stay at home and sleep. Well i havent plan it out yet. I want to work in aberdeen or oakridge. I once imagine myself working i have received like $100 a day and $10 an hour.......crazy thought but wont be real. I want to earn some money so i can stop begging my mom for money for life. i dun what to be those people that ask parent for money. Billy are you going to work this Christmas holiday? or go back to Hong Kong? I want to work at the food court. It's fun to work and earn money for yourself so I can like buy the stuff that i want. Well i have no date or GF rite now, so i dun even know what to do during Christmas holiday without a girl with me. Well i planned to not get a girlfriend when i was like in Elementary or Grade 8? i dun remember i actually promised God that i wont get one before High School. Well I"M GRADUTATING!!! I'm going to find a date after that. well i always forget what i always said. I want to get a gf so bad. only a girl that i have feelings for onli. So weird how would a person can live without a feeling for a girl. I'm planning to ask the girl to go to Prom with me. But i dun what is up with my getting a girl. Well I'm a person that dunno how to ask a girl out in person. i suck :( im a disgrace :(.........anyhow i going out, like going to arcade and stuff. Well i dont have money in my pocket so i should stop asking mom and like i said, go and work. Or probably just be a lazy ass person and just sleep and play videogames at home. that would be a waste of a holiday. wont be lovely at all. but however i should play more WOW. cause I couldve been lvl 40 in a week......I got the game like few weeks ago and im still like lvl 17 LOL. how does people lvl up so fast? ANYWAYS. Can anyone tell me what i can do with my Christmas holiday? any suggestions????

    I heard from my skool that after christmas holiday, there will be few tests!!!! o my......bad news. But on Jan 13, my 3rd is coming back!!!!! wooot. fatty fat fat is coming back, so bad of me.......-.-". and he's going to give his ps2 !!! wow with the games im dying to play ever since like 3-4 years ago but i just never finish the game like forever. and now he's back im going to ruin my skool life!!! well that can be a bad news though. dunno why im wooing about. i wonder will he stay and work? i want him to stay but i want him to go back to hk and get send me the game and the set by mail. I've been waiting for such a long long time. omg is he really going to get me the game i ever wanted???? i wish he could have. i heard billy said something about a ps2 but i forgot somehow. Billy refresh my memory. I am sooo looking forward into seeing him. and after that my 2nd bro is coming back on Feb!! well i dun even know why he's coming back. does he read my blog???? i want to say some bad things about him but just to be on the safe side i wont =D hehehe. Well i duno if he's getting me anything though. probably bringing his cigarettes only and his clothing. i wish i could see all my brother. And finally my big bro.......he's not coming back though. but he's getting married in Summer. I heard he's planning a plane ticket!! Is he for real? he's just not a rite position into getting married yet? i dun get it. he's income are low. i want to imagine how he can raise his family. Good thing is, I GET TO SEE ALL MY COUSINS AND AUNT AND UNCLE AND PROBABLY SOME MORE COUNSINS AND MY COUNSIN'S SON. WOW havent seen them like before 3-4 years already!!! such a long period of time. well i dun really miss them that much because probably they have forgotten me already. iunno just my thoughts. i wonder how old and how big is Anita and Jessica? my two favorite cousins and their brother especially. i still remember Anita and I were like the same height back in grade 8. i wonder WHAT NOW HUH. probably she grew taller because my 3rd bro told me iunno. heard she got a bf and his name called Tommy too. why is everybody called Tommy these days? back then i was the only person that was named Tommy. well only during my grade. anyhow enough with my cousins. i miss seeing them. i'll probably going to dress up like a gangster when i see them, not maybe. I dun even know if i want to go back to HK this summer......i dont want to miss my last summer with the youth....camping and those really fun stuffs. iunno. and not just that. i want to work during summer. GIVE ME IDEAS PEOPLE I STILL HAVENT MADE A DECSION YET. but im looking forward to those activities and coming back people. cant wait till ps2 comes to my hand harharhar.

    Anyways so i was saying about my report card. i actually got average this term.......such a bad mark. next term im going to score no C+ or any C's and get 80% above. ++++++++++++++oil. wait a minute how long was a typing this????? O MY, it's like 12:45am!!! i've been typing this for an hour????? holy mother son of a.........nvm. Well im going back to my hw and studying!!!! And reply this plz i need help with making decisions cause it's my weakness!!! and YAR. Zooom WEEeeeeEEEEEeeeeeEEEEEeeeeEEE!!!!!


Remember guys look forward. WOW THIS IS SUCH A LONG BLOG!!!!


There Eliza Happy now????><


Sunday, December 10, 2006


今天是一個好日子、因為我去Rush Arcade打機.不想到Maximum Tune 2 是好WAN wo.Yesterday 是個Hurtful day.Because my Foot hurts from 

skating。 There are more things to it But i dun want to be so precise in things.Tomorrow 是個新的Week and torturing week for we have skool again.......><. and yeah so hard to say everything in chinese.