Well Year 2005 is almost over
Here comes year 2006
Happy New Year!!!!!!
Still I have to solve everything by today
or I cannot get on with skool><
Hope u could tell me the answer tomorrow
Alright I made for very last week of skool
but then I got my report card,
it was bad><anyway thx to one person who supported me so much.........
ahhh Japanese Festival, wonder how would it happen
being a camera crew, which is good cause me and Vincent are doing partly less work.......yep
gotta work harder next term.....
better start handing in more HW and do well on every test.......
gotta set ma goal more properly and my time
gotta quit playing computer so much
dang no prep rally on the Winter Assembly......tht suks
probably sitting with grade 8 and 9
stupid Mrs.Blake gave me a 68% on PE><><><><><
oh well