Friday, January 1, 2010

Winter Conference 2009

All I can say right is "wow"...
It was a whole new experience.
I have quite a lot to share from what I have experienced in WC 09.
One of the highlights for me in the conference is to continue to trust God and do not be afraid of the future.
Through speakers and seminars, I learned that I shouldn't take God's name as just a name.
Randy Newman spoke a lot about God's name: Elohim, Yahweh, and "I am".
Looking back, those names are sacred and powerful.
Rod Alms spoke about Faster, Higher, and Stronger.
In summary, devoting our lives to Christ on those aspects.
Too bad I lost my notes half-way through conference......
However, the experience I had was almost like the same experience during WC 07.
I realize that most of the time, I feel like I am quite prideful and proud about myself, but I don't even know if I boast about it.
Forgive me Father for what I am doing that I do not know.
Cleanse my that I may grow stronger...
Not slower, lower, and weaker...
but Faster, Higher, and Stronger.
Be the best that you can for the Glory of God.
Holy Spirit speak to me so that I may continue to experience you.
I am thinking about going to UVic Project, but we shall see.
God, what will You be working in me during 2010?
What are Your plans for me this year?
What is it that You want me to do that brings You glory.
Speak to me O' Lord.

Throughout the conference, there is also one more thing I want to look back as I move on.
"That is why we have memories."
"I don't know."
"NO! TOMMY~~~"
"If they know about it, then I don't care since we are not dating anyways."
I'll probably never forget the time we spent together.
The time where we laughed.
The time where we sneaked out together from letting others notice.
The time where we walked outside in the rain during the whole free time.
The time where we stood in the rain for a long time while thinking.
The time where we want to seek God for guidance and His will for both of us.
The time where we are just too afraid to move on.
I wish I could list them, but that is all I have to say.
I came to conference not for her, but for God.
However, I did got a little bit distracted, but the Holy Spirit keeps reminding me to fix my eyes only on God.
Yes, my friends, she was there.
She shared a lot with me and so did I.
I shared with Brent about it after the "Men's Time".
One thing that really hit me so hard that it is so hard to understand is this...
"Dating when you guys think are not dating."
He gave me an example.
When a boy and a girl are talking on the phone for few hours and hanging out a lot, is that not called "dating" even though they are "not dating".
Although we are not sure what is going to happen in 2010, but I believe God is continually telling both of us to seek for guidance and wisdom from others.
All I can say right now is that we are right before a BARRIER where we are not quite ready to take it down.
God, if it is NOT Your will for both of us to be together, then I ask that You would guard our hearts.
Prepare us for what is coming up in 2010.
Speak to us O' Lord.

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