Sunday, September 13, 2009

Time is near

As I was reading 1 Timothy the other day, I had sudden shock...and had some disturbing fantasies.
It is either Jesus is going to take her away first, or He'll take me away first.
I was surveying the people around me.
The survey was about the people, my friends and family, who will suddenly go to the hospital.
How will I react to it?
For my families, indeed, I will rush to the hospital because they are my closest people and blood-related.
Closest brother and sister in church family.
I will also rush to the hospital because they are the people who brought me to the place where I am today, and we also grew up together during High School.
If it's other C4C, no offense or anything but...I don't have this deep connection with them that will cause me to rush to the hospital; however I will pray for their health and lift them up to God's both mighty hands.
If it was her...I will throw down tons of things and immediately rush to the hospital...even though she is so far away.
I don't understand why I had this emotion.
I am not favoring anybody because it is a sin.
However, this has nothing to do with has something to do with intimacy that I have for someone.
It was a scary fantasy that I had.
Almost made me cry...watching her lying down on the bed...waiting upon the Lord to take her away.
Her family...and relatives were around her.
I came into a sudden realization where I need to SNAP OUT OF IT.
I need to be reminded that God is good in every situation because He is good.
Jeremiah 29:11 reminds me that God has a great plan for my future, just as He promised for those who believe in Him.
Most of the time, we, including me, all need to ask ourselves this question:
Will I continue to believe God is good even though this huge shock/incident happens?
It is hard, but it is also a challenge to see who God is.
He is just, and judgment upon all creations.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Tommy... Mark and I were having a conversation similar to this maybe 15 minutes before I read your blog. Scary.
